Marianne Hasenöhrl-Obsieger
Alice im Wunderland-Tattoo (2016)
140/60/20 cm, Acryl, Spiegel, Tattoo-Prints, Tattoo-Maschine.
weitere Installationen
- Alice im Wunderland-Tattoo (2016)
- Entwurf für einen Brunnen in Bad Blumau, Steiermark (2012)
- just open the door (2002)
- drinking Cola is good... open cage door is better (2009)
- Time-Capsule (2009)
- (Ohne Titel) (2009)
- Picnic (2002)
- Arbeit hat goldenen Boden (2004)
- Surviving a crash (2003)
- From Cocoon to Butterfly (2007)
- From Cocoon to Butterfly (2006)
- Butterfly (2003)
- Ceremony for my mother (2002)